Mission and Vision

EnableWorld.org increases quality of life for persons with disabilities by collaborating with inventors, researchers, and funders to create technological innovations to enhance mobility, support the senses, and improve relationships.


Our Mission

EnableWorld.org increases quality of life for persons with disabilities by collaborating with inventors, researchers, and funders to create technological innovations to enhance mobility, support the senses, and improve relationships.

Our Vision

To provide opportunity and technology thereby enabling the disabled to thrive, live a life of fulfillment, and know the world desires for them to live a life of full potential

Our Tagline

We “enable the disabled!”

How to Support Us

Together, we can make the world a better place. Every dollar brings us closer to our goal. Can you pitch in? Consider making a monthly gift to help us plan for the future.


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Make the world a better place to live for everyone.

Connect with Us

EnableWorld.org increases quality of life for persons with disabilities by collaborating with inventors, researchers, and funders to create technological innovations to  enhance mobility, support the senses, and improve relationships.